We are delighted to report that all covid restrictions have now been removed, though customers are very welcome to wear masks if they prefer, and are encouraged to use hand sanitiser. All regular events such as Engage in the Afternoon, Games afternoons and second hand bookstall have recommenced.
Category: News
October News
The library is now open for its usual opening hours, but please help us to keep our customers, staff and volunteers safe and healthy:
- wear a face covering if you can and use the hand santiser and test and trace
- respect other people’s space
- computers can be used as normal and there are cleaning products to wipe down between users
- the library is well-ventilated with a limited number of people inside (currently 13)
- the self service machine can be used to issue and return items
You can still use ‘Select and Collect’ where library staff choose books for you, reserve books (with a charge of 50 p a book), and access online services with a wide range of eBooks and eAudio books, eMagazines and eComics.
August News
Library fully open! From 2 August the library will be back to its usual opening hours.
We are delighted to announce the return of our popular Saturday morning secondhand book sales. The next will be on Saturday 4 September from 10.30 to 12
No news about restarting our activities as yet. We did have a coffee morning for our committee recently (in a garden and socially distanced of course). It was a bit damp and chilly but it was great to see everyone again and have a good chat.
Don’t forget all primary school children can take part in: The Summer Reading Challenge – Wild World Heroes
Starts the 19th July and continues all summer.
This year’s challenge is a celebration of reading, nature and action for the environment. Developed in partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature, Wild World Heroes will inspire children to stand up for the future of our planet.
Call into the library or keep an eye on the library window for further details.
By reading library books over the summer, you can collect stickers to complete your Wild World Heroes poster. It’s fun and free to take part.
Visit the Cambridgeshire Libraries Facebook for Families page @CambslibFamilies, www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/library or www.wildworldheroes.org.uk to find out more.
The Library has a great range of eBooks that you can read online, but did you know that they also have a huge collection of eMagazines?
See www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/libraries-leisure-culture/libraries/library-online
They cover all sorts of subjects and are the most recent issues, so whatever your interest or hobby, you’re sure to find a magazine that you’ll like and – best of all – for free!
Children’s Reading Challenge 2021
This is being run in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature.
All you need to do is read library books over the summer and collect stickers to complete your Wild World Heroes poster.
It’s fun and free to take part.
More information at wildworldheroes.org.uk
Springtime bookmark competition
Thank you to everyone who participated in this competition. We had some really super entries. It was difficult to choose the winners but eventually the following three were chosen:
Freddie Foundation Stage
Jasper KS1
Jenny KS2
The winning bookmarks are currently displayed in the window at the library.
If the entrants would like their creations returned they will be available from the library from the end of this month.
Unfortunately there is no news as yet about the return of our activities based in the library. Soon we hope!
Great News! From Tuesday 13 April Willingham Library is open for managed browsing, Tuesdays 2 -6 pm and Fridays 10 am – 2 pm
Library news – April 2021
The children’s spring bookmark activity will finish on 9 April. Look in the May Willingham News for the results.
Willingham Library is open to pick up preordered books or drop off returns on Tuesdays 2 – 6 pm and Fridays 10 am – 1 pm. You can join the library online and your library card number will be emailed to you. As a member you can download ebooks to read or listen to, and a huge selection of enewspapers and emagazines. You can also access the many online reference resources – encyclopaedias, atlases and maps, government publications and business directories.
Also, look at the Library’s monthly Newsletter and the Facebook page, which have lots of information, reading ideas and activities for adults and children.
We hope to have information soon about when we can start some of our activities that take place in or around the library. Maybe the ones that take place outdoors will be the first to resume over the summer months.
Library news – March 2021
Willingham Library is open to pick up preordered books or drops off returns on Tuesdays 2 – 6 pm and Fridays 10 am – 1 pm. You can join the library online and your library card number will be emailed to you. As a member you can download ebooks to read or listen to, and a huge selection of enewspapers and emagazines. You can also access the many online reference resources – encyclopaedias, atlases and maps, government publications and business directories.
Also, look at the Library’s monthly Newsletter and the Facebook page, which have lots of information, reading ideas and activities for adults and children.
Library Events
26 March – 9 April
Children’s activity to design a spring bookmark. Details of the winners will be in the May Edition of Willingham News
We hope to have information soon about when we can start some of our activities that take place in or around the library. Maybe the ones that take place outdoors will be the first to resume over the summer months.