Wednesday 21 February, 2 – 3.30, author Jo Browning Wroe
Jo discusses how she came to write her bestseller ‘A Terrible Kindness’ , the emotional story of a young volunteer at the 1966 disaster at Aberfan. Tickets £2 available from the library.
Wednesday 21 February, 10 – 11.30, Half-Term Fun with the Dogs Trust
For children ages 7 – 11 plus an adult. A free fun family workshop with Darcy from the Dogs Trust to learn about safe behaviour around dogs and being responsible around our four-pawed friends. There will be no real dogs in attendance
Tuesday 23 April 7.30, Poetry and Prose
Regular events
Engage in the afternoon, Wednesday 7 February, 2 – 3.30 pm. History of the Eco Movement
Mary Burgess, our Local Studies Librarian, will be talking about the history of the eco movement, from the impact of the draining of the fens through to allotments and the wholefood movement. Hear about the various ways people have had an impact on the environment. Refreshsments available, donations welcome.
Family Lego Club, Wednesday 7 February, 3.45 – 4.45 pm
Do you love lego? Then we have the club for you. Come to the Library and spend some time building with lego or duplo. Suitable for ages 4 and over and all children must be accompanied by an adult.
Games afternoon, Friday 2 February, 2 – 4 pm
Please come and join s for an enjoyable game of scabble or one of the other games we have in the library or you can bring a favourite game of your own. Refereshments available, donations welcome.
Secondhand books sale, Saturday 3 February, 10.30 – 2 noon
Come along and browse the wide variety of books for all the family for sale at the bargain price of 50p each or three for £1.
Digital Buddy Drop-in Session, Tuesday 13 February, 10.30-12.30, Digital buddy
Struggling to access the internet? Need help with an online application? Drop into our library on the second Tuesday of each month to get help from our digital buddy, for free.
There will be no Knit and Natter in February due to the visit of author Jo Brownng Wroe. Next one will be Wednesday 20 March, 2 – 4 pm
Join us for an informal and friendly get-together at the library, bringing your own knitting, needlework or any other handicraft – or just yourself. We will be sitting and chatting while working and perhaps giving help and advice to others. Refreshments will be available, donations welcome.
Family History Session, Friday 2 February, 10.30 – 12
The library computers will be available for research on Ancestry, Find My Past (access to these are free of charge in the library) and other ancestry sites with someone on hand to offer assistance or advice if needed. To attaned or find out more contact us as